"Old age is a resource, not a pathology."

Studies and trials conducted by Prof. Rolando Toro, creator of the Biodanza system, the elderly can develop late potentials that generally remain latent, without being expressed. The losses and deficits that occur during the aging processes are accompanied by new skills and the development of new knowledge due to the ability, proper of the human mind, to activate new strategies to solve the problems that reality poses and to find alternative resources.

It is impossible to establish a homogeneous and unitary profile of old age, in fact, the differences between age, psychological age, mental age and social age are as many as the experiences and ways of being of the elderly, linked to the different histories of life and the varieties of personal existential choices.

Diversification has been made between older people of different age groups: the young (between 65 and 75 years), the so-called elderly (between 75 and 85 years) and the elderly (over 85 years old).

According to recent statistics, in our country, an increasing segment of the population is elderly. Aging is an expression of a particular lifestyle with a different way of approach towards others and the world. This is often associated with an existential dimension of loneliness and isolation that can produce feelings of emptiness, futility, anxiety and disistism.

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Biodanza works in this framework, through the stimulation of Genetic Potentials,as a real therapy. In fact, the proposal is to create moments of socialization, revitalization, détente and creativity that help alleviate physical-motor and mental problems.

The proposal starts from a motor rehabilitation through a targeted progressiveness and dances rich in emotional content that are expression of one's own feeling. The presence and interaction with other people in the group creates possibilities for relationship and emotional exchange. Moments of developing self-confidence and in one's own abilities and rediscovering to be bearers of unique values are particularly important.

The result will be, in short, the possibility of improving the quality of one's life.

The activity can be carried out in private courses or at Associations and Institutes for Elders (RSA).

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